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Filling the Gap of Ground Instruction

Nov 24, 2024

Student pilots usually want to get up in a plane and start flying around as soon as possible. Really, any pilot does. That’s what we live for. The problem is that this can lead student pilots to believe there is no need for solid ground instruction. This is evident in low knowledge exam scores, and the vacuum of ground instruction in the aviation world. As both a pilot and a ground instructor, I recognize the importance of ground instruction. Not only will it make you a safer pilot, it will save you money in the long run.


Being a pilot takes an incredible amount of knowledge, beyond the flying part. You have to know weather, airspace, navigation, flight planning, aircraft systems, regulations, aeromedical factors, and more. These things are all an integral part of flight training. When you are first learning to fly, this knowledge is paramount. Without it, flying can quickly turn into a dangerous situation. If you don’t understand weather, you could unintentionally fly into hazardous conditions. If you don’t now how to navigate, you could get lost or cause a midair collision. On top of that, if you have to think about a bunch of different things while you’re flying, you can easily get behind the aircraft, meaning that you are overwhelmed with the amount of tasks that need to be attended to. That alone can lead to major mistakes. With proper ground instruction, you can be well equipped with all the necessary knowledge before you even step into a cockpit. When you are flying, you will be able to handle all the required tasks without even needing to think about them. This not only makes flying safer, it makes it a way better experience. You are free to fly without excessive stress or worry. There are some other advantages to getting good ground instruction as well, especially for student pilots.

For one, if you are seeking a pilot certificate, you will eventually have to pass an FAA knowledge exam. There are some good online test prep programs, but they will only get you so far. Combining a test prep program with good ground instruction will ensure that you do well on your knowledge exam and that you actually understand the material. A ground instructor can explain why something is important and clarify any confusion. He can also give you personalized feedback, so that you can better understand your strengths and weaknesses. Pilots are tested on their aeronautical knowledge for a reason. It’s necessary for becoming a skilled, safe pilot. 


It can also give you a huge jump on your flight lessons if you understand the knowledge before you begin. You won’t have to spend time in the air talking about things that you could have learned on the ground. It will give you the capacity to focus on your flying, which will improve your learning. You will pick things up faster, and you will be safer. 


If you spend less time on flight lessons, that also means less money. Ground instruction can seem expensive up front, but flight lessons are much more costly in the long run. If you drag them out because it takes a long time to learn, that is going to cost you a ton of money. Not only do you have to pay for the instruction, you have to pay for the plane and the fuel as well. Spending a little money on ground instruction up front can save you dollars in the long run.


Those are just a few of the reasons ground instruction is an important part of your flight training. Hopefully, you can now see some of the advantages that come with it. If you’re thinking about becoming a pilot, or are currently in need of ground instruction, I offer 1-on-1 virtual ground instruction you can participate in from anywhere you have access to a computer. The first lesson is free, and if you decide you want to continue, the rate is going to be less than you would pay in person. Contact me if you are interested.